Hiring Now…
Transparency is presently experiencing increased demand from our Totalspan related Clients and thus are looking for a Structural Engineer (in a perfect world who is also interested in creating 3-D construction drawings of various Totalspan projects in SOLIDWORKS) to join our existing team – as a Contractor (no guaranteed hours) on a telecommuting basis (based on present workload this involvement may be up to 20 hours/week), someone who would enjoy completing this work for our Clients…
If you think this might be you (either on the Structural Engineering design side or with respect to the SOLIDWORKS construction drawing aspect or both), feel free to keep reading… ๐
We will review and approve any and all work completed by yourself in the above role or roles, feeding back helpful suggestions along the way… ๐
Our Vision & Our Values…
You don’t need to be a Chartered Professional Structural Engineer to take on this position but you do need to feel, and resonate with, our vision and our values…
Technical Qualifications…
On the Structural Engineering side, we’d be keen for you to have had at least 2 years professional experience as a Structural Engineer since graduation from your relevant degree in Civil Engineering…
We’ll be keen for you to provide your academic transcript, a certified copy of your degree and valid details of at least two Structural Engineers who have reviewed and approved your work (one of which needs to be a Chartered Professional Structural Engineer) since graduation…
All the work we are presently completing involves structural cold-formed steel, this will most likely always be a component of the offering Transparency provides (due to its efficiencies in the design of low-rise residential dwellings) so you’ll need to get your head around this structural material…
We have previously completed a three-storey building utilizing cross-laminated timber (CLT) design, we have experience in hot-rolled steel design, reinforced concrete design, conventional timber design and (as opportunities arise) it is our intention to investigate Carbon Fiber Composite Designย and any other new or developing materials (including the interaction of these materials with 3-D printing as a manufacturing medium) which would be the most efficient solution in various scenarios and locations around the world…
If you’re keen to stick around with us (longer-term), it will behoove you to have a curious mind, keen to learn and adapt with our team as we together increase our capability towards these ends… ๐
Team Culture…
Above all these technical qualifications – as we are a company who desires to be transgenerational (i.e. age doesn’t matter) within our team, we believe in respecting others no matter who they are, where they are from or what they believe (a person’s a person no matter how small), we believe in fairness, equality, and justice for all, we believe in unity and sharing and we believe in ‘team’ – you will need to be OK about respecting and holding these beliefs in your heart and open to genuinely desiring to practice them more and more and more fully as you journey with us (as we all learn together)…
In our team, we believe in honesty and forgiveness but we do not believe in condemnation or put-downs…
Expressions of Interest…
If after reading all the above you still think this position might be for you please feel free to send me an email ‘stating your case’…ย ๐
Andrew J Horton
16 May 2021