

Principles are like pillars…

They enable the entire building (our colosseum of life) to remain standing…

When we break our principles (or values) then we become unstable on the inside…

Blown like a fading leaf in the autumn wind, not knowing where we are going…

When we face Difficult Decisions it is our principles (or values) which guide us…

When everything in life collides and we face multiple unknowns simultaneously, when we seek guidance but feel conflicted with the advice we receive, when nothing around us seems to be secure or an anchor for our souls in the stormy sea, it is then that we need to dig deep and remember our principles…

People are more important than money…
The collective (or the team) is more important than the individual (or the leader)…
A leader serves their team…
A leader enables their team to be all that they can be…
A leader fights for their team to be free…

What’s best for the team?

What’s best for the team? is the question which a leader must always ask themselves before making decisions…

What is fair for the entire team?
To do the right thing is more important than financial security…

Whether appreciated or not by our teams or by our Clients, to seek the wellbeing of our teams is the glue which produces outstanding work, outstanding work communities, outstanding work cultures, outstanding innovation and outstanding creativity…

It also creates a comradery amongst the team in the workplace which makes coming to work feel like coming to your work family, turning the potential isolation and struggle of work into an enjoyable shared journey…

Nothing can break our principles, what we believe in…

When negotiating deals or seeking out a potential new Client, whatever is offered, whatever is suggested, we must pause and consider our abiding principles…

The things of the heart…

The things of the heart, the things which our consciences will not allow to pass, the things which make us wake up with a start in the middle of the night and cause us to lose sleep when we break them…

The end doesn’t justify the means…
In our course through life are we hurting others to get where we need to get?
If we are then we are using means which we should not be using…

Forgiveness frees us…
It’s OK if others don’t share our vision…

I am preaching to myself here, sharing what I’ve been learning, what I’ve been walking through and what I’ve been sharply reminded of recently…

The bonds of love, which is a phrase in our New Zealand National Anthem, are more important than financial gain, within the bonds of love there is true community…
True community is more important than a focus on the bottom line, in fact, true community, in the workplace, creates a much healthier bottom line, over time, than the focus on the bottom line itself…

What do we believe in?

What do we believe in? This question will guide our decision making…

Personally, I know that there is Someone who has forgiven me, Someone who loves me, Someone who matters, Someone who cares, Someone who protects, Someone who has given me the freedom to choose, The God of Nations, from our New Zealand National Anthem, has A Vision of New Zealand and He will support us in its fulfilment… <img draggable=

Andrew J Horton
28 February 2017

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