Advanced Notice…
As per ‘Our Vision…’ we desire to be involved in outreach activities…
One of the outreach activities which I personally want to be involved in is providing a free face-to-face counselling/life-coaching/mentoring service here in Christchurch entitled, Purpose by Transparency…
I have commenced investigating the option of leasing a small private office space (not in the same location as our company office, i.e. not at B-18 Studios) somewhere in Christchurch where whoever is keen (of whatever age) can come by appointment (as explained below) and share their problems/goals/upcoming decisions with me, I will listen, make suggestions, give advice and generally endeavour to get to the bottom (or root) of their problems, focus them on their strengths and endeavour to unite them with their purpose or vision for their lives…
Once this small private office space is found, each session will be kept 100% confidential, i.e. I will not discuss the contents of any session with anyone else, there will be no condemnation from me from anything that you may choose to share with me, I am a sounding board and you are free to leave at any time…
If you’re under 18 then you’ll need to attend with your parent/guardian/caregiver…
Experience & Qualifications…
As explained in my bio under ‘our people’, I am a Chartered Professional Consulting Structural Engineer with over 20 years of post-graduate professional experience in that field but I am not a trained counsellor, I do, however, presently have just over 47 years of life experience which I am very happy to share…
Our training as Consulting Structural Engineers teaches us how to craft the most efficient bespoke solutions to unique and complex problems, life is no different, every individual is unique and valuable, the toolbox is different but the principles are the same…
I personally have been finding my passion and direction in life, I have been working through my problems, I’m not perfect but I’m making progress in the right direction, I have been experiencing a high degree of fulfillment doing what I have been doing with Transparency and want to give back to everyone else any relevant advice with respect to the life lessons I’ve learned to date, either personally or professionally, either with respect to family or friends, choosing a marriage partner, parenting, starting a business, looking after your staff, mentoring others, maintaining balance, sports, hobbies, how to know what you’re good at, how to know what to focus on, how to know what your niche contribution to the world should be, how to get on with others, how to collaborate with others, how to bring the best out in others…
Passion & Motivation…
I am an enabler rather than a doer…
What this means is that it gives me great joy to release others into their passion in life and enable them to grow and flourish…
This actually gives me more joy than me actually going out there and growing and flourishing myself…
I’m quite happy to watch other people doing all the cool things which I think of in my head knowing that I can’t do all those things myself and the important thing is that someone is doing them…
That brings me great joy, so I’m an enabler rather than a doer…
Hence for me to be able to sit down with people (whoever you might be) who want to grow and flourish and progress and move on and leave behind their problems and obstacles and brick walls and break through into a freedom to live their dreams, is incredibly empowering for me, incredibly exhilarating…
Without Prejudice…
Having said all that (in typical Consulting Structural Engineering fashion) there is a disclaimer in that all advice that I give will be given ‘without prejudice’, i.e. if you decide to follow my advice then the results of following my advice is ‘on you’ (I will not be held liable) but on the flip side if you are greatly blessed from following my advice then you can take all the credit for that…
Envisioned Commencement…
With our decision to invest 25% of Transparency Consulting’s net profit each year into outreach activities, hopefully by 01 April 2019 (our two-year anniversary), we’ll be in a position (via this 25% portion covering the lease of the small private office space) to offer this free face-to-face counseling/life-coaching/mentoring service here in Christchurch…
Session Times & Duration…
Once commenced, session times (1-hour duration) would be by appointment only, between 10 am to 2 pm on weekdays (Mondays to Fridays), on non-public holidays…
Your first session (1-hour duration) would just be a ‘meet and greet’ for you to establish confidence/comfort that (a) you actually want to share things with me and (b) that I actually might have some worthwhile things to share with you that might help your life…
After this, you can have as many 1-hour duration sessions as you feel you need (at whatever frequency is available) to set you off on a straight course in your life with respect to whatever particular issue it is that is before you at any point in time…
Making Contact…
So if you’re keen to make use of this free service (once it commences, I’ll send out an update when that occurs) just send me an email to outlining when you’d be keen to have your first session and then I’ll email back confirming the time and letting you know the location of our office…
Honestly, anything that’s on your mind no matter how large or small, in whatever field or area, let’s get together, share the problems/situations, focus on your purpose and find the strength to achieve and overcome…
Andrew J Horton
11 September 2018