Offer of Services…
Transparency is keen and available to provide structural design services for multi-storey buildings anywhere in the world (except the States as our worldwide insurance policy doesn’t include the USA)…
Our ‘home office’ is in Christchurch, New Zealand, however, our team members are presently spread throughout the world…
Our offer of services includes the provision of structural design and design documentation for building consent submission, tender and through to construction for any building footprint (that is structurally achievable) up to 15 storeys…
If we had a wish-list, we would want the projects we’re involved with to be as complex as possible, to involve performance design with respect to earthquake considerations and also to be residential in line with Transparency’s vision…
We will, however, gratefully accept whatever projects we receive…
Design Philosophy…
Obviously, we would design in accordance with the Client’s final material preferences given location and the design scenario but we would want the freedom to offer the Client material and design philosophy options during the concept phase of the project…
Structural Design Team…
Our structural design team (see ‘our people’ on our website) who will be completing this work presently consists of Anson Lin (Graduate Structural Engineer), Carlos Fabie (Senior Structural Engineer) & myself (Principal Structural Engineer) along with structural draughting provided by Southern Structural and envelope design provided by Commercial Façade Consultants…
Anson completed his Civil Engineering degree in 2017, graduating from the University of Canterbury with First Class Honours…
In 2018 he completed the design of a three-storey mixed CLT wall, lintel & floor panel and hot-rolled steel gravity frame and EBF structure on the corner of Ivory Street and High Street, Rangiora…
Fabie received his Masters in Civil Engineering from the National University of Singapore in 2013…
Fabie has previous multi-storey design experience from when he worked for Hyder Consulting Middle East Limited (now Arcadis)…
Personally, back when I was also working for Hyder Consulting Middle East Limited from 2008 to 2010 inclusive I gained some useful experience in structural high-rise design and design management (my CV is laid out in my LinkedIn profile) and wrote the technical paper on Virtual Outriggers in Tall Buildings which I presented at the ASEP Conference in 2010…
Design Advisor…
During our projects, we will be utilizing Associate Professor Gregory MacRae from the University of Canterbury as our Design Advisor on an ‘as required’ basis…
Design Codes…
We will design to the relevant NZ design code standards and then cross check our design with whatever international design codes are acceptable and appropriate for your jurisdiction to ensure that the NZ design code values are conservative for your region…
Reaching Out…
If you read this and feel that there’s someone you know who may be interested in this offer please feel free to put them in touch with me via the email address below…
What We Believe In…
At Transparency, we endeavour to be straight shooters, to be both approachable and upfront, we genuinely want to do the right thing…
We will work with you to get the projects you entrust to us completed for you and stand behind our work…
All the best,
Andrew J Horton
07 November 2018