The Role…
Transparency is looking for someone with the relevant experience (the more the merrier, honestly, I mean that) to provide technical leadership, mentorship and direction to shape the accuracy, content, efficiency, elegance, presentation & readability of our architectural and structural drawing deliverables to make these easily understandable by our end Clients, councils, contractors, fabricators, quantity surveyors & shop drawers…
The Experience…
Ideally, this candidate would be someone who has had a long and illustrious career as a draughtsperson in a well-established consultancy in New Zealand, has experience in both architectural and structural draughting, has been looking for that opportunity to move into semi-retirement but doesn’t completely want to get out of the game…
The more materials – in a New Zealand context – which you’ve had experience in draughting and more variation of the types of construction you have had, the better… 🙂
Time Commitment & Location…
For us, the perfect involvement at this stage would be somewhere between 10-20 hours/week on a casual basis as an independent contractor with no guaranteed hours…
Again, for us, the perfect location for the placement would be that the chosen candidate would be available to work out of our Christchurch office…
About Us…
If you want to know about us, have a good look through our website, and see if our vision resonates with you… 🙂
If, after finding out about us, you are interested in applying for this position – or if you have the relevant New Zealand experience but want to suggest a ‘twist’ to our preferred approach – please feel free to contact Ricki-Lee Harrison via with a covering letter, CV, and sample of your work (within our 5MB attachment cap)…
Note: If you haven’t had any experience in providing building consent and construction issue architectural and structural drawings in New Zealand this position isn’t for you… 🙂
Andrew J Horton
17 June 2018