Transparency has appointed Contract Construction (with Peter Jamieson as our key contact) to act as our nominated quantity surveyor and builder for our Efficiency & Enigma ranges…
In this relationship, Transparency is the designer & Client and Contract Construction is the sub-consultant & main contractor…
For these ranges, Transparency will provide Contract Construction full work drawings (including Architectural, Mechanical/HVAC & Structural – which we will complete in-house) so each offering can be costed through to completion…
Off-shore versus On-shore…
Transparency has been investigating off-shore, off-site 3-D Modular manufacture of our Enigma range in either China or the Philippines and Contract Construction will continue these investigations and compare the full cost to completion between off-shore and on-shore off-site construction of this range (the aim being to give you as the purchaser the best value for money)…
For the Efficiency range (which will be delivered to your site as a kit-set most likely in 40 foot containers), Contract Construction is able to travel with a crew to your location in New Zealand and complete as much of the construction as you require (this will be pre-arranged between Transparency, Contract Construction, and yourselves as the purchaser from Transparency)…
International Focus…
For the Efficiency range, should you as the purchaser not be living in NZ and want your dwelling to be shipped to you overseas, Contract Construction can organize this for you but depending on where you are in the world (i.e. how far away from NZ you are), you may be left to your own devices to erect the kit-set once it arrives…
For the Enigma range, Transparency (with help from Contract Construction as achievable) will organize the shipping of your completed 3-D Modular dwelling to you and provide foundation design services (you will need to organize the building of this foundation) to your site anywhere in the world (barring the USA, as Transparency’s insurance policy doesn’t cover the States)…
Previous Experience…
Contract Construction previously provided these nominated quantity surveying and building services to Bachkit which built a number of these kit-set baches around NZ and some overseas until the GFC hit in 2008 following which Bachkit went into receivership…
We hope this collaboration gives confidence to potential buyers that if you choose to purchase a Transparency Efficiency or Enigma dwelling there is a tangible path via Contract Construction to it becoming a reality on your chosen site and providing you and your loved ones with more freedom to enjoy your lives… ?
If you are interested to discuss our Efficiency and/or Enigma ranges with us further or to purchase one of these dwellings from us, please contact Transparency here to organize a time for us to chat further… ?
All the best,
Andrew J Horton
12 November 2018